JUZE is a fork of the JUCE framework that uses American English spelling.

Through what must have been a careless oversight, JUCE, in contrast to virtually all other development frameworks, uses British English spellings.
Our changes to JUCE are here. Our tool to convert JUCE repositories is here.
We're a Berlin-based software shop that produces Sitala, a free JUCE-based drum plugin and app.


Does this work?

Surprisingly, yes. We grabbed a dictionary of British to American spellings from this project, converted it to YAML, did a little regular-expression cowboy coding to try to map that to the usual places that words are broken in source code, and amazingly, it worked, where "worked" is defined as both our app and Projucer compiling and running. See the Github links above for the code.

How hard was this to get working?

Surprisingly easy. We got it working in a couple days. Once we got the regular expressions right, a small blacklist of terms and discovered a couple British-isms in the macOS APIs, everything built. Huzzah.

Do you use this in Sitala?

No, in our alpha release of Sitala we don't use this.

Should I use this in my JUCE-based project?

Probably not. In case of doubt, ask Julez.

Is this serious?

No. Mostly.